WISH is an organization that has a long and successful history in the Muskogee area of helping to combat domestic violence, rape, sexual assault and stalking. WISH provides advocates, shelter, food, and emergency assistance to victims through donations, grants and the support of the Oklahoma Attorney General’s Office. WISH is a community based program and provides assistance to both residents of the shelter and to victims living elsewhere. WISH is a worthwhile organization with a proven track record of good stewardship of funds. An audit is conducted each year and financial records are kept and presented to a board of directors monthly. Certified through the Oklahoma Attorney General’s Office, WISH employees are trained advocates and complete required continuing education units on an annual basis. In conclusion, WISH provides a safe place for victims of domestic violence, rape, sexual assault and stalking as they make plans and arrangements to recover from trauma and begin new lives. WISH will continue to provide this safe place and educate the community on the effects of domestic violence, rape, sexual assault and stalking.